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facebook how to vibrate

at this time I will teach you how to create facebook vibrate

follow the following way:
1. Copy and paste the following code to the browser or usual place of friends typing the url address (http://www)

javascript:function Shw(n) {if (self.moveBy) {for (i = 35; i > 0; i--) {for (j = n; j > 0; j--) {self.moveBy(1,i) ;self.moveBy(i,0);self.moveBy(0,-i);self.moveBy(-i,0); } } }} Shw(6)

2. press Enter
Welcome All Pictures On Facebook you float. And to restore as first, you simply press Represh

good luck

facebook how to make use LANGUAGE JAVA

hmmm .... Today I will tell how to create facebook using java language ......
like facebook now I use it .....
for example, as shown below:

How to Make Facebook Status Updater Application

A. Go to the Facebook Developers
2. Then fill in the name of the application and select the I agree (I agree).
3. Click on Create App.
4. Upload logo and application icon (Optional). If you do not want to, go to the next step.
5. Click the Facebook Integration.
6. In the Canvas Page content is up. Your application will be accessible through the URL page.
7. Canvas URL on the content of the following formats: ID / Application Secret /

Or use the Canvas URL Creator if you are having trouble.

Application ID is replaced with your application id.
Application Secret replaced with your application secret.
Do not forget the  / at the end of the canvas url.
8. In the Render method, choose FBML.
9. Click on Advanced (on the left. Then click on the disable OAuth 2.0 for Canvas.
10. Click Save Changes.

Congratulations status update applications you have ready for use.
Open ****
NB: **** is your Canvas Page that already fill before.

good luck

how to change the look of the old facebook

probably many who do not like the look of facebook now with a variety of reasons ....
with the new look of facebook may make a long loading .....

well now I am going to discuss about ... FACEBOOK LOOK TO RETURN!

Possible way for now is to install an add on to the browser you use. The disadvantage is we alone who see the profile we're taking a long view other people see us as a display profile page chronology. Just invite all your friends that do not like facebook add timeline to put on Timeline Remover.

Bagi pengguna mozilla firefox download add onnya di sini Timelineremover

Bagi pengguna Google Chrome download add onnya di sini  Timelineremover

Bagi pengguna internet explorer download add onnya di sini Timelineremover

on install, see the results of its
make it easy?

good luck

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